Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Paris in May - The Finale

How can you wake up on the wrong side of the bed in Paris you ask? Well apparently you can when the bloody stumps you used to call feet are begging you not to step out of bed! After scowling at Matt for a good half hour, I decided that I should damn well remember I was in Paris while most of the good people of the world were hard at work and get out there to see the rest of the wonders Paris had to offer. When we emerged from our room the sun was shining and it was the most beautiful day we've had while on vacation. Like I was on my way to portray the character quasi modo I limped painfully down the Seine on my swollen torture devices towards the Notre Dame Cathedral. Maybe people thought I was just really into the hunchback of Notre Dame? We crossed a little bridge and walked past flower markets just off the road that smelled amazing in the hot sun. After wondering how to find the Notre Dame cathedral on the island in the Seine, we soon realized that the wondering and wandering was not necessary. Even if you ignored the thousands of notre dame gift shops funneling you towards the cathedral, you could still find your way by following the dark imposing structure lurking in the distance.

The Notre Dame Cathedral is a dark and mysterious building, even in broad daylight. It really does seem possible that there are dark secrets lurking in every crevice. It was almost like a game to spot the gargoyles and stone monsters lurking in every shadowy eave. Even the rain spouts were the heads of serpent-like gargoyles. We circled the building, looking for stone creatures from every angle. And from every single angle, the cathedral looked like a completely different building.

Pictures of Gargoyles? You betcha!

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